Spiritual Advising
Fordham Murdy the Spiritual Advisor (aka Reverend Freakchild the performer) is an ordained Dharmacharya recognized by Heartwood Refuge (an Inter-faith Inter-lineage Buddhist Hermitage). He is currently based in Boulder Colorado and has worked as a spiritual advisor and facilitator of spirituality groups at Harmony Foundation Addiction Treatment Center in Estes Park. He practices Recovery himself, going on 18 years sober one day at a time. He was raised with Protestant Christian traditions in Hawaii and then back east in the New York City area. In 2012 while in India he took Buddhist Refuge with Roshi Bernie Glassman, founder of the Zen Peacemakers, and observed the Five Mindfulness Trainings in the Thích Nhất Hạnh tradition with Shantum Seth. He also took the Bodhisattva vows formally with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2020. He holds a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Northeastern University and a Master of Divinity degree from the Wisdom Traditions Department at Naropa University. He is also a certified meditation teacher (MMTCP), yoga instructor (IYI), a pastoral theologian, artist, musician, and writer currently working on his forthcoming book, A Sober Spiritual Warrior. He enjoys contemplating the universe and watching movies, going on tropical spiritual retreats, eating good food, sleeping, and spending time with the love of his life Lisa.
Contact Spiritual Advisors Unlimited LLC (www.spiritualadvisorsunlimited.com) to schedule an individual spirituality session or to have Fordham facilitate a spirituality group.